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Old 12-21-2011, 11:51 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Hartford, Mo
Posts: 5,783

Ooooh, another cookbook; cool. And the official title and place of purchase??

I cook the old fashioned way like Grandma did, but love new recipes. Old one from Farm Journal was Squaw Corn: just bacon, eggs and corn. Perfect for the trail ride. Homemade, of course, from the homestead products. Homemade jams and jellies; fresh fruit canned from our orchard. People love my pork roast and its so simple. Allow about a pound per person, coat with brown sugar and canned apples over it and bake for couple of hours at 325 degrees...cover, of course. Take meat out of the liquid, cut/slice and serve. Usually bake or candy sweet potatoes to go with the pork. Dessert is homemade pies; one Christmas I made 13 different pies.
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