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Old 12-28-2011, 09:01 AM
sew cornie
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Originally Posted by LadyElisabeth View Post
Like the idea of "our own" thread.
SEveral of my "posts get pulled" so I hope this one isn't.
Wanted you all to know I will be hosting and producing a SERIES of QUILTING PROGRAMS on public TV. Hope to start taping by end of January, early February. I have pretty much FULL CONTROL of content. Sooooooooo, let me know what you want on the program, AND would you all like to come for a taping and be an audience, have a SHOW and TELL, and ???????
If I can everything together and edited, I hope the series will begin in late March, early April. Metro East has 4 feeds, but if we get enough viewers and more requests after it starts, it could be on more stations.
Oh my goodness, that would be so much fun to come to a taping and be in the audience! I posted yesterday on your thread about content. Can't wait to see your new show. Best of luck!
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