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Old 12-30-2011, 10:31 PM
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Location: Ft. Myers, Fl
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Originally Posted by jaciqltznok View Post
yep..I was the same way...but then on Friday I got the news that the state of OK was fining me for all of my online sales. They claim that I neglected to file EVERY sale from 08-&09 as EXCEPT from OK tax, so now I have to not only pay those taxes, but a 10% fine and 15% something else. I have 30 days to come up with $4,500.00 and I have not worked in over a year....pretty much has sent me into a deep depression and even deeper hatred of this state and its love of taxes!
People keep encouraging me to set up one of the Etsay shops, but I already found out that the people here in Florida who have anything to do with small businesses are just PLAIN NUTS! When I lived up in Missouri, I had a sale tax number, and bought yarn and craft items wholesale. I did not have to pay an intangible tax on my equipment. My equipment pretty much was the same thing I used down here....a set of crochet hooks, ran me $6. I got down here, already had yarn from up north, so decided to go ahead and do a small business. Got a sales tax number, and subjected myself to the most stupid people on earth. I was driven nuts by some idiot in the INTANGIBLE TAX department who just could not grasp the concept of crocheting, with crochet hooks, value $6, no other equipment required. Duh. I finally just sent the tax number back with a photo of the hooks, and a nasty note. I am sure that I could sell my stuff, no problem. I just can't deal with stupid.
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