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Old 01-01-2012, 08:12 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Illinois
Posts: 27

I suggest checking out specific breed rescue groups online of some of the breeds mentioned above. Many groups are out there and have beautiful pure breeds needing homes. In my area the Shih Tzu group is very active. So don't think that breed rescue is only for some undesirable dogs. Also, some shelters will take your name and notify you when your request arrives on their doorstep. I must mention the Labradoodles or Goldendoddles. Many dogs of these breeders come to a sad end. Their claim of being hypoallergenic is exaggerated. Finding a reputable breeder is a big challenge. True, true, don't buy from a pet store or online. Visit the breeder and get a feel for the layout. The bottom line is there are way more dogs than forever homes. Breeding only increases that equation.
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