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Old 01-09-2012, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Sandee View Post
Well, when someone states how big the quilt is, I can usually figure out the entire pattern/block size easier. Then I can draft what I want it to be for me on graft paper.

Exactly ....... ITS!!!!

And besides, there is not just one size to make any block.
You CAN do your own thing.

Eg. you can take most any pattern and re-create it however you wish.
Some like to do the itsy bitsy minis .... look at OKSewGlad's one she posted the other day with 1/2" HSTs!

You could do the exact same layout/design .... and make it with 4" or 10" HSTs .... whatever you want!

Graph paper is indispensable to figure these things out.
... and yes, maybe one doesn't know how or is not used to this, but golly gee, it can always be an opportunity to learn a new skill!
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