Old 01-14-2012, 12:50 PM
Posts: n/a

Ok, I have a question. I posted earlier about my board, it is a corrugated metal shelf that I have covered with terry towels, warm and natural and wool. Now the wool give great grip and the terry and the w&n give great padding, not to high and very firm as after about a month, the amount of pressing and heat has made it settle. I like the steam to go all the way through the board, but I see everyone here is using MDF or some other kind of wood as their base. Last I looked, steam does not go through wood. Here is my question, are you not concerned about the steam build up and the warping of the wood with the steam? MDF and other chipboard products are held together with hot glue of sorts. I use a steam generator that gets extremely hot and produces a lot of steam. I would be afraid that would damage the board and the fabric would hold the moisture.. what am I not seeing here??