Old 08-16-2009, 07:02 PM
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The good news is that I'm on the road to recovery...the bad news is it required an IV of antiobiotics, several breathing treatments and about 8 hours in the ER. But, I'm a new person today. And OMG, I had the cutest doctor ever!!! Italian guy with blue eyes...I about feel over when he walked in. I was looking GROSS, sweaty, smelly, all the fun joys of being really sick. If I were single, I would have been chasing him down the hall!! So, there was bright side to the ER, for sure.

I hope to be up and photograph Pam's cute little baby doll quilt tomorrow and post pix!! Thanks again Pam, I do love her!! And wait until you see what an adorable label she made - it's really pretty with nice stiching all around it!
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