Old 01-18-2012, 07:08 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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Sometimes we discuss donating quilts. We, as group, do not have a stash. We are sometimes gifted fabric. Some use this occasionally questionable fabric for charity quilts. I always use fabric from my own stash. Granted I have some fabrics I am just not as crazy about having as perhaps I once was; and, I have some fabric I just cannot bear to cut even for the quilt pattern I purchased it to make. But, I have some very nice fabrics that would make great quilts -- those are the ones I use for my charity quilts. If I would not want to sleep under a quilt made from a fabric, why should I expect someone else to like it just because they need it.

We made quilts last year for the Tsunami victims, I donated blocks from my Underground Railroad UFO. Some said they were too nice. I wasn't going to use them, so why shouldn't someone else use them. In our group we get into discussions, then someone makes a motion, it is seconded, and we vote. There are usually a couple who are not happy about the outcome and they never hesitate to make it known frequently. But the majority rules. Sometimes it only take one voice of reason to speak up to clear the air.
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