Old 01-18-2012, 11:31 PM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Nebraska
Posts: 76

Favorite Fabrics,
You belong to a group exactly like our church group that I recently joined. The quilts we make are all 'utility' quilts & are all tied and with 'whatever is thick' used for a batting. Most are for World Relief where they are used for quilts, walls or rugs. Some are given to the local homeless shelter, (which now has too many) a Low Income store that sells them for $10. ( local people are scarffing them up there so they can re-sell them at their garage sales.)
These gals have been making these quilts this way for years so I just 'go with the flow'. Some of the fabrics are pretty ugly to me, but who am I to rock the boat? Everyone has different tastes. As long as we don't use fabrics that are too thin they are happy. We even use light-weight upholstery fabric samples. We recently were gifted with 6 antique quilts from the late 1800's or early 1900's and some fabulous chenile antique bedspreads that the women wanted to re-gift to the Goodwill because they didn't want to mess with them. THAT'S when I voiced my opinion & told them about what treasures they really were. I plan to clean them up, get them appraised & either offer them a fair price or put them on e-bay so the group can have some money to work with.
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