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Old 01-23-2012, 09:45 PM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
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Originally Posted by gramma nancy View Post
I have a Dressmaker that I got new in about 1971. Not sure of the model number. It has had some not-so-regular check ups and a new belt, but nothing else. It just keeps going and going. The only complaint I have is that, as a metal (rather than plastic) machine, I can barely lift it on and off the table. I had to buy another machine so I had something I could take to classes. But "workhorse"? You bet.
Yes metal does equal heavy but you are right it is a workhorse! I have worked on lots of Dressmaker sewing machines from the 60's and 70's and I love them. They are made really well and like it has been stated they will sew through almost anything. But try not to abuse the little rascal even if it will sew through 7 seams of denim, and if you pick the machine up make sure you had your Weaties.

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