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Old 01-27-2012, 01:15 PM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: a small village about 65 miles north of NYC
Posts: 551

My sewing room is in the basement and I love it - I have a cutting counter along one end of the room (30" wide by 12 feet long! what frabulous joy!) and a bathroom just off the room - a tv and radio, laundry room and a phone line down there, and a dehumidifier to run in the summer when it gets hots and sticky - not a lot of natural light but lots of overhead lights and lamps make up for it - and a ceramic tile floor, so it's easy to keep clean. It's warm even in winter since there is a radiator in there, and I can look out the window - I am able to indulge my sewer/quilter/knitter etc. hobbies in my very own girl cave. And I can ignore the world if I don't want to be bothered. What could be better?

And BTW, I agree with Vondae, color your world down there with colors that make YOU happy - my walls are a light purple, my cutting counter and machine table are sage green, most of my furniture is white or sage - I can truly say it is the only room in the house where I ALWAYS smile when I walk in. Make it your own little world and enjoy it!

Last edited by MdmSew'n'Sew; 01-27-2012 at 01:22 PM.
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