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Old 01-28-2012, 03:23 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Southeast Michigan
Posts: 339

I had my sewing area in the basement and found I just didn't go down there -- hated the darkness, even after I painted it; hated the cool/cold stuff and just stopped sewing. My hubby got the idea that he'd like a pool table and the only space for it was the basement (he enjoys the "cave" atmosphere). So, he had the third bay in the garage converted into a sewing room for me. Two large windows were installed, it was all insulated and a special underlayment was installed before the hardwood. It's just delicious.

I really like the sunshine/natural light, which impacts "color correctness" in fabrics and my watercolors. I just didn't realize that was why I didn't like going downstairs. If you elect to do it, I'd recommend:
1. Have a egress window installed (fire escape window) -- they add a ton of light and will also add to the value of your home because the room could technically be classed as a bedroom when you sell it.
2. Have the walls insulated and drywalled. Makes a huge difference in reflective heat/cold.
3. There are good flourescent overhead lights, but make sure the bulbs you get are the ones for natural light so your fabrics' colors are true.
4. Hardwood floors are great for sewing -- easier to keep those picky pins under control, and you can always add throw rugs as needed.
5. Make sure you have a dehumidifier -- don't take any chances on messing up fabrics or machines.
6. Decide on how to handle heating and power before you make alterations to the area.

Now for ideas should you elect to stay in your current room:
1. Think about getting some file cabinets and put your table tops on them. If you don't want to use file cabinets, other short cabinets or bookcases work and have shelving for storage.
2. I like my computer in my sewing room -- really handy when I want to check out the Board on a break from the machine! However, I don't have to share my computer so no one has to see my mess either.

What ever you do -- be patient until it gets just the way you like it and enjoy!
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