Thread: Selling Quilts
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Old 02-07-2012, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by CharlottsQuilts View Post
There is a new website that is from a startup company in Boston, called Custom Made. People look on the web at the Makers, and when they see someone's portfolio they place an order for something custom made, and work with the crafts person who will make what they want. It's new, and I found about it from a news article about how google is helping small businesses to make easy to use websites, their website is really slick, the work people are doing looks very high quality. Not too many quilts so far. I thought if I made quilts from old block patterns I would by pass the copywrite laws. The only thing that bothers me is that I can't do machine quilting. I've practiced forever, and I just can't get it. I am able to do nice handquilting though, even though it takes forever. I'll post the website to the Custom Made when I get a chance I think it is just
I visited this website and it seams very interesting. Thanks
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