Old 02-07-2012, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Jim's Gem View Post
It's probably water weight. Maybe a bit of what you lost and what you are gaining back. Are you watching your salt intake? I consume way too much salt myself. Drink lots of water!
Gayle, I hope that's it! (: This morning that pound was gone and I hope it stays away! I have been too lean on water the past couple days, I'll be better today.

irishrose, I haven’t been using WW, but I do weigh, measure and track everything I eat -- the best use of the iPad yet! I use FitDay. I think my diet is good. I do not eat fast food and rarely eat processed foods anymore. I average around 1500 calories.

I don’t eat as many carbs, my average over the past six weeks is carbs at 27%. My fats are from mostly good sources: almonds and olive oil with occasional peanut butter or cheese although I eat dairy very sparingly. Over the past 40 days, my calories went over the 1500 range just once. I ate 1918 calories, including one glass of red wine. I didn’t eat junky food, I just ate more food. Maybe I need to cycle my calories a little bit to keep my metabolism guessing?

I honestly believe that the best thing I did was to quit drinking Diet Coke early in January. I didn’t anticipate it, but since then I’ve had no food cravings at all and a greatly diminished appetite.

Thanks for being there!

Last edited by AtHomeSewing; 02-07-2012 at 09:33 AM.
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