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Old 02-09-2012, 11:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Honeynga View Post
Nope you aren't alone...I'm right there with orgnaments" for my daughter's tree; have been knittng preemie hats, chemo hats, and teaching myself to knit socks......

I go into my quilting area every single day and just stand there; just can't get motivated. In my tiny little mind I'm thinking I'll start quilting again once the weather gets warmer and I can spend more time in my un conditioned "sunroom" which is where my quilting stuff is.

I'm retired and thought I had a lot of free time; but I've gotten involved in a new church here in my area and between my Bible study, lunching out with new friends, Sunday School activities, etc., I have not been spending my time very well !

We both need to hang in there; inspiration will return I'm sure !
Well, apparently some of my message got garbledd ! I was trying to say that I haven't quilted since before Christmas; I worked diligently on table runners, wall hangings, etc. but have been knitting since just before Christmas; knitted more than 12 ornaments for daughter's Christmas tree and a dog sweater.........ok, now it begins to make sense (as best as I know!)
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