Thread: Gingham Quilt
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Old 02-09-2012, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by #1piecemaker View Post
Someone was asking the other day about whether or not anyone ever used gingham in quilts or not. I was jumping up and down raising my hand. But, knew my top was stuffed away in a trunk and I'd have to move mountains of stuff to get to it for a picture. Well, guess what? I already had a picture. found it yesterday while cleaning out old newpaper photos from my writing days. This is called chicken scratch for those who have never seen it. Hope you enjoy my quilt. I plan on digging it out and getting it quilted so I can enjoy it. I had forgotten how pretty it was.
Is this very hard to do and do you need a pattern or can you just kind of figure it out on the squares? It is lovely work and I would finish it quickly so as to show it off and to look at every day.
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