Thread: RAK Thank You!
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Old 02-12-2012, 10:44 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

I use them ALL the time.

In fact I buy the small ones (like from WalMart) to use on
my spools of thread embroidery and regular. I go to Family
Dollar and buy packs that have about 1000 mini size that I
use for the bobbins (they fit better).

And MANY people who have either been RAK'd or a swap
partner of mine have been getting these in their packages.

When doing FSL (free standing lace) to get the "best" look
you run the bobbin thread the same as the top thread, so
I put the same color wrap on both the spool and bobbin (in the
same color family as the thread) so that I can "grab" the right
bobbins when changing colors.

That is just something I find works for me.

But yes I LOVE the pony tail holders which I lovingly call
bobbin wraps.


Originally Posted by Havplenty View Post
i have a question, how many of you like & use the ponytail holders for your bobbins? i saw on a thread that some didnt like them because it prevented them from seeing the thread colors. i am not sure how that happens because the plastic bobbins are see through and the metal ones have holes in them so you can see the thread plus you can always just move the elastic down just a bit to see your thread.

i love them and it has made a world of difference in preventing me from having a bobbin thread tangle monster mess. they are very economical and so easy to use. in my mind, what's not to like but i know as many different quilters as there are, there is at least that many different opinions.
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