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Old 02-20-2012, 03:40 PM
Lori S
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Illinois
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I have been quilting for well ... almost four decades... and there are times when I look at what I have done ...and it just does not satisfy me. Either I think the stitching is wonky or I made a bad fabric choice... something... But I have learned to attribute some to mood. I think we can all be too hard on ourselves. I have also come to learn there are platos in any skill ... you get to a level and just can't go past and in fact sometimes feels like I am going backward. Relax about your expectations... and it will come, so will the enjoyment of what you have accomplished rather than whats next.
I was raised in a family of sewers that critiqued every stitch of a project, always looking for the flaw. No dress went without the hem being flipped and inspected. I so hated this tradition , so although is a part of my learned behavior .. to self critisize .. when I catch my self doing it ... I have learned to turn off the "voices of sewers past" and recognize this journey is not complete, move on.
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