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Old 03-03-2012, 02:12 PM
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OK. Some machines do come to my house all stuck and so NOT wanting to move the needle bar. As with this machine, I start with a visual inspection. Is there any rust? No? Ok it might just be stuck with dried up oil. Something has to dissolve the oil or soften it. A solvent will break the oil down. Heat will soften the oil. Oil will soften the oil. At first Janie would NOT budge - we dropped oil anywhere there was something that would move - friction points - look on the bottom of the machine - clean and oil there - clean and oil the top parts - anything you have any kind of access to - we slowly turned Janie as we oiled everything again. Sometimes that is enough to make the machine work. Sometimes a bit of heat will soften the oil and let it move. Use solvent with caution. Out doors, windy day, VERY, VERY careful of any paint - oil isn't the only thing solvent will dissolve - very careful of the paint and any kind of plastic - ask me how I know this... I've also seen that VERY little solvent can be enough to dissolve the dried on oil in a moving joint - there just isn't that much oil in there to begin with. Oh and Janie doesn't have plastic parts inside.
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