Thread: RAK Thank You!
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Old 03-12-2012, 03:14 PM
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Hi Krystyna,
Thank-you I do enjoy handwork, besides if I didn't do something with my hands in front of the TV I would fall asleep. :0) Yes, I think that there is a lot of work, especially if you are making something big. I'm using the Clover Orange template, it takes a 4" circle to make 1 & 3/4" Yo. I use the template only because I want the pleats very uniform, without the template they would go a lot faster with just a running stitch, whereas the template you need to go up and down. I can do about 10 per hour.

Thank-you Teresa, my special friend ~ :0)

Hi Havplenty ~ We haven't 'talked' for a long time :0) Thank-you for the encouragement! I'm pretty excited as they are looking so pretty in the gallon bags. I'm using other pastels too besides the glitter fabric, I'm just so tickled with the rainbow effect the Glitter pastels give the Yo's. Every one of the Yo's have a different design once gathered with different pastels showing as predominate. I should take a picture of the fabric on the bolts so you can see what the fabric looks like before gathered into a Yo Yo.

Oh Wanda Lou,if you like handwork I think you would enjoy making Yo Yo's. I never thought I'd make something this big...for a long while I sold Yo Yo's online usually in 100+ count lots, the most popular were shabby chic Roses....Never 'made' money so to speak but it gave me a little extra 'mad' money. Then I had some scraps of this fun Glitter Butterfly fabric....remembering a quilt magazine picture of an all pastel coverlet I thought Voila!!!!! I'm going to make one for the guest January 1st I challenged myself to get this completed hopefully by once all the Yo's are made then I have to sew them together....haven't decided if I will hand stitch or maybe use the sewing machine. "In for a penny, In for a way or another I'll get er' done. Of course Lord Willing :0) Wanda DH and I are originally from the Toledo area.

Last edited by onaemtnest; 03-12-2012 at 03:18 PM.
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