Old 04-07-2012, 06:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Jan in VA View Post
I wondered where you were; glad to see the project continues with your work. I admire you and think of you more than you know! These are fabulous!!

Jan in VA
I've been staying busy with quilts, not much time for anything else. These are only a few I've done since the 41 I did at the firsts of last year. I think I ended up doing some where around 80 last year. This year I've slowed down a lot, can afford the fabric so much. But I've been doing what I can. I'm working on a special one now for a WW II vet in Roanoke. He is the last of my hubbies kin on his mother side. He will be 90 on May 5th and we have been invited to his birthday. I talked with his daughter and she really wants me to make him a Patriotic quilt because his wife died last year and what keeps him going is the monthly meetings with all the other WW II vets in the area. So I'm trying to do one that is special for him.

Glad to hear from you, we might have to get together again to do more quilts.
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