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Old 04-16-2012, 05:12 AM
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Originally Posted by jaciqltznok View Post
you can sell trademarked can NOT sell items made from that fabric! Especially Collegiate fabrics..OY do they love to take your stuff if you don't pay them $150 a year per school to sell your UNIQUE handcrafted items using their licensed fabric!
She is completely off the mark when she says you can't sell items made from licensed fabric. Yes, you CAN sell items made with licensed fabrics. What you can't do is weave new fabric and add identical copies of the team logo. In other words, you can't copy their fabric, and then use your fabric copy it to sell items you've made.

I think she's confused about "copying"... it is illegal to make identical collegiate logos and sell the identical collegiate logos. For example, you can't embroider an identical copy of the teams logo onto a sweatshirt and then sell the sweatshirt. If you do, yes, they will "take your stuff" you are selling and take you to court.

All this fighting will die down as soon as more and more quilters realize what their rights are. On this thread alone, it shows the word about harassment is getting out and ladies are becoming informed. Keep on keeping on... the harassment by a few will stop ruining it for the rest of us eventually!
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