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Old 04-16-2012, 05:28 AM
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Originally Posted by ckcowl View Post
bottom line is---if you are using a commercial pattern---check the pattern for the permissions given-often the designer will include permission to sell, display, personal use only ect-
if there is no such permission anywhere to be found- send an email & ask- it doesn't cost anything to ask permission to use someone's design- and always give credit where credit is due- include the name of the pattern or designer on your label- don't try to claim it as your own.
This is incorrect advice... well meaning, yes, but you're wrong. "Permission" printed on a designer's pattern is harassment of the consumer if the designer is trying to imply that their copyright controls what can the buyer can/can not do with a product made from the pattern. Implying that the buyer needs to "ask permission" is a scare tactic and harassment.

Your comment "it doesn't cost anything to ask permission" can be explained this way....
Let's say a pattern designer puts permission on her pattern that says "you may jump in a lake no more than 3 times when using my pattern." And when someone asks a question about the restriction allowing only 3 jumps into the lake, you pop up and say "you should ask for permission before jumping in the lake, it's the polite thing to do."

As soon as well-meaning folks learn the truth about copyright issues, all this fighting will die down. I, for one, am more than weary of explaining the truth to people, but it's worth it to trudge forward because quilting is so much fun!
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