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Old 04-24-2012, 06:55 AM
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 4

Hey there and howdy do ppquilter, et al,
I did receive Sewmore770; By all appearances it is a a beauty; & by all appearance a beauty sans plastic as it will remain sans plastic surgery. Seller is seemingly a lower order primate, since it was packed as if by a monkey visa vi my requested & payed for extra care re shipping. So, it now has two approx. 5cm bare metal wounds as if gouged by a screwdriver. What can you do about the wake of acne beyond accept the scars?
Most important for me, the motor/bracket/bolt was loose and when tightened the motor does not rest square, but rests at a several degree angle from square behind machine, with it's spindle to belt drive seemingly tight. Does the motor on the back of your Sewmor 770 rest parallel behind, or is yours also at a non-plumb position? I'll be taking it into a sewing machine fix-it/check-up place, but wondered if the bracket - which is serious gage iron metal - may have been bent during shipping by any dark and vast impersonal forces? Machine did come with some accessories, including two different multiple cam insert disc pieces. Haven't received that generic De Luxe Zig-Zag Sewing Machine Instruction Manual yet. Again, not sure how much help that'll be, but if you can't find it and want copy I'd be happy to provide it at only cost of photocopy and postage. Best to all, or as close I can manage to that, Paul
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