Old 04-29-2012, 03:14 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Northern Michigan
Posts: 12,861

many non-quilters really do not have any concept of what goes into a quilt- you need to (de-personalize!) once you give a quilt it is not yours any more- what happens to it after you give it is not up to you- so---no point in taking it personal-
and i know it is hard sometimes-
some of the things that have happened to some of my (self-proclaimed masterpieces)--
used to cover the wood pile in the yard for the winter
used as a drop cloth when changing out an engine in a truck
used to cover furniture for a move
used in a dog house- for a mommy to have her litter of puppies
even my mom (who i believe should know better) had one of my quilts wadded up in a corner of her basement- with muddy boots on it! (that one i asked for back- which she did not have a problem with) i did not hurt her feelings over it- she did not remember where it had come from- when i noticed it i checked it over (without her knowing) then simply asked===
'hey- that old quilt in the basement----could i have it?' she said- oh- that old thing it's probably all stained---it's been down there a long time- i told her- i don't mind- i think i could get the stains out---i just like it---she said sure- you can have it-
the others- i don't even acknowledge----in fact sometimes i feel- well it's nice that they found a use for it- i guess that's better than molding away packed under a bed never to be seen or used...
my sister requested a special quilt she wanted that would (win a ribbon) she was jealous of some of the quilts i had entered in the fair or other shows---so i made her a really nice one---gosh i LOVED that quilt! in fact when i finished it i told my hubby----I don't want to give it to her! she's not worth it!!! i want to keep this one- i can make her another one- and my boss felt the same way about it---in fact he would have paid alot for it---
well hubby said---'no---you made it for her- you need to give it to her---yes it is a great one! she will love it-
so i gave it-
3 months later- time to gather quilts i am going to enter in an upcoming show i contacted her & said---well it's time to give me the quilt so it can win you a ribbon---
her reply-
oh i don't think so- the dogs have kind of trashed it---i don't think it would win any ribbons.
I was kind of crushed---knowing i could have sold it to someone who would have cared for it- i could have kept it---
but---oh well- i made it for her- it was hers to do with as she wanted- & she better never complain about none of her's having ribbons!
anyway- long story- but when you give them- it is no longer up to you- don't look- don't ask---hope that they will be used & cared for- but don't take it personally if they are not used the way you would use them===it's not yours anymore- you got rid of it.
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