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Old 05-04-2012, 03:47 PM
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I think inner curves and valleys are harder than points.

You don't need a lot of fabric for the seam allowance, and it looks to me like you have enough. When you get to the inside part, try to make your stitches small and close - I use my thumb to hold the fabric down while I stitch the curve. I try to keep cuts into the seam allowance to a minimum, and I make the cuts so they don't quite go all the way to the turn under line. You could swipe a toothpick with some fabric glue to help make any stray ends go under, but if you may not need it.

If you're not confident you can do this, you could keep the freezer paper in the applique, glue the seam allowance down, applique it and then remove the paper after the block is finished. I cut into the back and pull it out...if it won't come out easily you can dampen the block to make it easier to remove the paper.

I hope this helps. Don't get discouraged - as you do more, the easier applique becomes.

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