Old 05-08-2012, 05:50 PM
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Originally Posted by IBQLTN View Post
Pumpkin butter? Does anyone have a recipe for that?
I've been lurking, don't have time to do one more project right now, but loved seeing all your different quilts, maybe this summer when things settle down a little I'll make mine - can't wait to see what the new mystery will be, although that too will just be enjoyed vicariously since I can't take it on yet.

But ... you asked for a recipe for pumpkin butter - I have one that is easy-peasy and super delish.

Cut pumpin(s) into quarters or smaller, roast in 350 degree oven until cooked thoroughly, scrape all the pumpkin flesh into large kettle, cook slowly over very low heat,stir once in a while to make sure it doesn't stick to bottom of the pan, until it thickens up to the consistency of cream of wheat ... add brown sugar to taste (I usually put in about 1 cup for every 4 cups of pumpkin) and some UNCRYSTALLIZED candied ginger, chopped fine (I get it from Trader Joe's, hope you can find some somewhere, if not local, maybe online? Crystallized might work too, but the flavor will be more pronounced) continue cooking and stirring until the pumpkin butter is a nice deep orangish brown, it is nice and thick and it tastes just right. see, simple, three ingredients a little stirring and the aroma is wonderful even before you add the sugar and ginger.

So, if I make some pumpkin butter can I hop on the train for an afternoon? I'll even bring my own bagels, since I'm allergic to raisins. Otherwise I'll have to be pumping away in the handcar way far behind you, trying to get everything else done so I can ride the train later.
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