Thread: My quest for FW
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Old 05-23-2012, 09:12 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2007
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I now have 10 vintage machines, and I am also hopelessly addicted. I don't mind admitting it.... I have a Featherweight, and have had it for about 1 year. It is sitting in it's case nice and snug under my quilting machine frame. I use my 301a almost exclusively for piecing, but plan on using my treadles for that soon. It's gonna be hard to switch, because I do LOVE my 301a. I have a few true antique machines, which I love and am so happy to have. I don't sew on them right now, as I only have a few bobbins and needles to fit, and don't want to use them. So, they are pretty much just part of the collection for their age/looks.
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