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Old 05-23-2012, 08:01 PM
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Join Date: May 2010
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Originally Posted by conniety
Wow, I just checked my email with my list. you ladies are quick. I know which fabric to use so will get it prewashed. not something I do that often, except for these swaps. I will get on those envelopes today, wash and dry and iron tonight and get cut up when i get a new blade then mail out no later than Monday. Be ready for mine, it is a hot orange/red volcanic looking fabric. yes, it is going to be wild so hopefully you will have some fun with it.
Could you be in a different group? I've received an F8 from all the people on my spreadsheet, and don't see a "conniety" on the list. If you're supposed to be in the Fire group, you might want to PM April and let her know.

Edited to add: I just read the Earth group's thread, and April's trying to contact you. Please see her message here:


Here's a status update, just to make sure my records are right.

All F8's are showing as being received. All grown-up blocks have been mailed back out.

Need grown-up blocks from:


Thanks, everyone!

Last edited by moonrise; 05-23-2012 at 08:21 PM.
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