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Old 05-26-2012, 02:08 AM
NJ Quilter
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Central NJ
Posts: 5,571

My sewing room is an 8 x 10 'extra' bedroom. Has queen size futon; chest of drawers; antique dressing table; 2 end tables. My cutting table is one of the fold down types that JoAnns sells set up in the center of the room. I have a small table for my sewing machine. There's a very small closet that's about 1/2-3/4 height. I do also have a smaller plastic rolling cart with drawers and a reasonable sized plastic tub. Can you read that there's virtually no room to move in this room! Have to suck in the gut to get around the cutting table (which I also use for ironing - double layer towel on 1/2 of top; cutting mat on the other half). Don't really have a stash per se as obviously no room for one! BUT, I have all my fabric/books in either the chest of drawers or the one plastic tub. Readily used notions in the tiny drawers of the sewing desk. All manner of stuff pushed into the miniscule closet. Hanging coat rack on the back of the door where I have stencils on a round belt hanger (along with out of season jackets) and other things. Roll of batting standing between door/futon. Stuff under the futon. Stuff piled on top of the rolling cart and tub. My only saving grace is that rarely do we have overnight guests. When we do it's the mad cleaning frenzy. Can fold up the table to put behind the futon and cram anything left over in the drawers/closet - once it's labeled, of course. I don't think any of us are 'neat' sewers/quilters. But having a small space does require one to be a bit more organized and do things step-by-step.
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