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Old 06-04-2012, 04:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Ccorazone View Post
I'm not sure if this question has been ask before so here goes.
What method do you use to store/save your embroidery designs?
Do you copy them to your hard drive?
Do you leave them on disc?
How do you store your disc?
If you download designs, how do you save the designs?

I thought I developed a good system, but I always seem to be hunting something.
This is what I do. I download my designs into folders according to where I bought them; like orders_emblibrary, etc. Each site has it's own orders folder and the name of the design never changes in That folder.

Then as I unzip them I rename them to make since as to what they are since most are #'s. I put them into folders according to what they are; beachy, Holidays,w/subfolders for each holiday and kitchen, it has sub folders like potholders, kit decor, ect.

The reason I download my designs into order folders is, I was told that most sites will let you download designs more than once if needed. The thing is though they sometimes update their designs and put some into archives and then unless you know the # and where you got a certain design you can't get it back. That is why I put it into a folder with the sites name and leave the download #/name the same and only change it when I put it into a different folder. It also makes it easier to backup my designs by only having to backup the orders folders and the ones that have designs that I created in them. Which I'm just starting to design since I bought Professional 5D for my Ruby.

Now I'm in the process with the help of 5D of converting a copy of each of my designs into a picture and when I get them done I'll print out thumbnails of the designs so that I have a visualization of each one and can flip thru a book to see what I have. I hope this helps.

Trying to get it all organized has been a challenge so I spoke to my Viking teacher on how she does it. She said she's been doing it for 6yrs and is still changing things around. I keep the folders at the top of the list on my pc by placing a # in front of them like 1MyDesigns 2MyMonograms. This keeps them at the top; above all the software installed things. I also have a folder for designs that I create called Judy's designs and Judy's Monograms, etc.
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