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Old 09-18-2009, 05:08 AM
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Originally Posted by gaigai
Originally Posted by Ramona Byrd
I do hate to rain on your parade, but as a mother, I would strongly suggest this be a wall hanging, or else remove the
buttons and embroidery some animal eyes in place of the buttons.

If the buttons are sewn on with dental floss, they are safe for all ages. Even agressive toddlers. Now if the toddler has access to scissors, all bets are off, but they'd be in more danger from the scissors than the buttons.
and she would know, as she is an ICU nurse!!!
and a great person! :wink:

K, have to tell you, AGAIN...i love your blocks, but that first one, melts the cockles of my wee little heart...well, it's big, but I'm a mouse,...maybe that's why I like the little furry critter one, so much :lol:
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