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Old 06-20-2012, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Lilrain View Post
I did some hand quilting on our past president's (quilt guild) quilt last evening and decided I need to do more in the future. it really is relaxing. How many of you hand quilt? Seems like it is almost a dying art with all the machine quilters. I love machine quilted quilts because they are so fast and durable, but think I may just have to do more hand qork
When my quilts are too large to machine quilt on my domestic machine, i do hand quilt. Takes me an awfully long time, but it is very relaxing. I have one of those PVC pipe quilting frames that works, but I prefer to use a hoop or just scrunching in my lap. I pin then baste the gazeeber out of the layers before starting to stitch (hand or machine.) I'm not a fabulous quilter, just do SITD and C-Hing. My stitches are not consistent, but they'll do. The more I work on the quilt, the better the stitches get. Downside is I still can't use a thimble!!
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