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Old 06-26-2012, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by SewExtremeSeams View Post
Ok Linny, here is the beginnings of Thomas the Cat, my GK's much loved cat. I experimented with the rubbing alcohol and learned quite a bit. I have completed Thomas, dried him and iron-set him. Next, I will try adding other colors for his background. It's not exactly the way I want it but rather than try for perfectly how I wanted it, I decided to just keep going. I am sure there are other tricks to explore and learn. I used BIC Mark.It fine point permanent marker.

1st pic: just pen
2nd: sprayed with alcohol, dried and ironed
3rd: experimenting with other colors

Not planning to launder this when I complete it.
Oh I love the kitty....what a nice job you have done so far. Will the kitty be laying on a rug? Be sure to post a pic when you're finished. Isn't it fun? I have fine tip markers also and they seem to work best. Your grandchildren will love it.
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