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Old 07-06-2012, 01:48 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Venice,Florida
Posts: 1,671

Happy Birthday America!

I have been mailing out blocks this week, All should receive within a couple of days. Going out a couple of weeks later than I thought. My mother passes away at 91 this month, (June). 2 yrs and 4 months after my father passed away. and I was away for 2 weeks, then Hurricane/Tropical Storm Debby visited, Orlando and Venice , Florida.
I do hope everyone likes the block I made them! I do like all of my blocks, I just need a few more, which I am sure will be arriving soon.
I might give my mailman a early Christmas gift, could not do without him! Maybe a gift card for lunch, and a box of goodies to snack on. He knows who I am, he looks my way when I drive pass him, I am sure he wonders what I am up to, and all my QB friends are up to!


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