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Old 07-08-2012, 04:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Havplenty View Post
perhaps our obsession (eek that word) is just to own and surround ourselves with things we find pretty and obtainable rather than things we plan to use. who knows for sure.
I think that every time we purchase fabric we are also purchasing the dream quiltwe will make with it.

I have a problem letting go of things that are useful even though I may not have an immediate use for them but I am not a real hoarder. I have given away my antique block collection to a fabric artist who will use them for something worthy, orphan blocks and fabric to charity quilters, projects from my DMs stash, etc. Outgrown clothing goes to one of three places: to charity, to the cut-up for quilts area or the rag bag. Right now I am rapidly using the thin sheets and flannels I didn't toss to make my first crochet rag rugs. They really eat up the fabric. I can't wait to finish so I can see if the satin and taffeta linings I saved will work for table mats. But I almost regret the 10 pounds of heavy double knit saved 40 years from my time at the sewing factory given to a rag weaver. It would have made nifty crocheted rugs.

Last edited by Greenheron; 07-08-2012 at 04:41 AM.
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