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Old 07-24-2012, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by tildiemae
I just realized the other day that the deadline for mailing out the blocks was July 15th...I had it in my mind that it was July 31st!!! I'm so sorry! I've been working on them and hopefully will have them all ready to mail by the end of the week! I still have three bridesmaid dresses to finish this week too! You won't know the joy I will feel when they are out the door!!! My husband keeps reminding me that there is a word in the dictionary that I should practise saying....NO!!!!!!!! I got alot accomplished last night/this morning when I stayed up with our dog until 3:30 a.m. as she was chasing the thunder!! It was quite noisy but unfortunately it really didn't rain and it's getting so dry...each day you can see a difference in the crops...keep hoping and praying that the rain will come sooner rather than later!! Thank you everyone for your patience and I hope you enjoy your blocks when you receive them. It's been alot of fun going through my scraps looking for the perfect match to your F8's. I know I'm very happy with the blocks I have received....all have a WOW factor!!! Enjoy your Tuesday everyone!!
If you haven't mailed my block, don't rush as I am out of town till about Aug. 11th!

I can totally empathize with you and the busyness you are in! In 2003, I made my daughter's wedding dress, my mom,her grandma's dress and jacket, the flower girl's dress, 7 bridesmaids dresses and 3 junior bridessmaids dresses and I shortened my dress and made a wrap for me as well!!!!!!!!!! Talk about "crazy!" My husband also reminded me of the word, "NO!!!!!!!"
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