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Old 07-25-2012, 01:31 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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My secret is this wonderful DH who allows me to be OCD with my quilting. The kids help with the housework, the DH and kids cook meals, and I am on diet so that makes it even easier for them. i have the Gammill in my garage so can get them quilted. the garden is growing, may have to get out there again and get it tilled before everything takes over the empty ground and i have to pull them by hand. I am really trying hard to stay focused this time on the projects. It is getting rougher because most of them now need all the pieces sewn into blocks then assembled so it is slowing me down just a bit. I do have approximately 10 or so table runners yet to do, but the rest of them are full to king size quilts. The nice thing is that nearly 45 of them are cut up so just have to piece. I am held up just a bit because I have to make some class samples for teaching this fall and winter. My first one is not perfect on that yucky binding which you know I can't stand. Also, I have a few quilts on the hanger that are at least 15-30 hours of quilting each. I say that only because I will be doing total custom on them for the upcoming quilt shows. The hardest part will be the precision for them. If I could afford the nice new extension plate that is larger than what I have, it would be even sweeter but it $200 and I have no loose change because of all the ufos being done. Hopefully I get in a couple really good paying customers so I can earn it. Well, back to work. I have to put on that pink cape so I can fly thru my projects again. And yes I sleep, if I didn't you would not like me at all.
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