Old 07-27-2012, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by PurplePassion View Post
Wow , are you smart, and brave!
It really comes down to the fact that I had nothing (or at least very little) to lose. They were both unusable machines as they sat.

In my "real life" I'm trained to follow a logic process (computer geek) to solve a problem, so this was pretty much just applying my training to sewing machine repair.

Originally Posted by J Miller View Post

Thanks, I bookmarked this for future reference. I went through a lot of headaches with my second 99K just recently looking for tension problems. They weren't where I thought they would be. As you said, tension problems can be anywhere.
Tension has been my problem for years. (Not just the stuff between my shoulders either!) It's why it was the first post I made here. I started sewing when I was 10, and the machine (a 290C) my dad bought me for my birthday was in the shop more than it was out, but I still think to this day it wasn't because there was something wrong with the machine, I think it was because the operator never learned how to operate it correctly.

I used to run into a tension problem, and immediately be frustrated, and usually quit. (Of course at the time I didn't know it was a tension problem, I just knew there were nests under the needleplate, multiple threads wrapped around the bobbin case, and sometimes needle shrapnel flying at me.)

I've made it my goal to not run from these issues anymore, and in fact dive in head first and fix the harder ones (like these 99s dealt me)

Google IS polluted, no question about that.
Yeah, remember when it used to yield hits other than ebay, amazon and worthpoint?

Originally Posted by J Miller View Post
How big should the gap be? And what do you use to adjust it? I got one to replace the rusted one on my 99K and it came to me with the lever removed. I put it back where it looked like it was, and the machine sews but I'd like to make sure it's right.
I've got it set to about the width of my test thread. It slides through, but doesn't have room to flop about. I found that if it was too tight, it made a snapping noise when the machine ran, and if it was too loose, the needle thread tension was completely messed. So if it's sewing, and not making loud snapping noises every time the needle thread pushes through there, it's probably pretty close.

I used a tiny blade screwdriver, loosened the screw, pushed it around a little, then tightened the screw. There's a pic of that sort of in the tfsr manual. Page H-4
Oh and what section in the TFSR manual is this info found?
"The lower bobbin area"

Originally Posted by Caroline S View Post
Good work. You sure are persistent. Thanks for sharing the problems with your 99s and your troubleshooting manual, yes manual. I love the 1 oz weight solution. I going to remember that one.
I had to go at it in 3 different sessions. I found the problem the day after I got the machines, and made a note to fix it when I did the cleaning. Cleaning day I figured out it was not a simple fix (that's when I found the 2 tension extremes), then the 3rd day, I was just tired of it hanging over my head. Sometimes it works better that way, just step away, instead of getting frustrated. Took me 15 years in IT to figure that one out.

Use what you have, eh? I bought the scale for baking, and have an over abundant supply of those berries, so it made nothing but sense.
Originally Posted by greywuuf View Post
What I do know is if you get it to tight... it drasticly increases the bobin tension and throws the balance way off.
If I read Joe right, the spring he's asking about is the one on the bobbin positioning finger. If that's the case, on the 99 it's actually regulating the needle thread as it comes around and grabs the bobbin thread. That's why pushing the spring too far away from the bobbin case caused my needle thread tension to go haywire. I can post a pic if needed.

Otherwise, all of the principles are the same.

Originally Posted by J Miller View Post
I wonder if this could be the cause for the noise in the later Singers with the horizontal drop in bobbins? I've got 5 of them that clatter and tinkle in that area. Hmmmmm, something to check.
Part of the noise definitely comes from the fact that the bobbin case can rattle around a little, and does when the thread passes through the check point, there's the noise from the "check" as well, other than that, I'm not sure.

Yeah, I spent a lot of time watching that mechanism work in the past few days.
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