Thread: RAK Thank You!
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Old 07-27-2012, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Quilty-Louise View Post
Mary you crack me up just what I needed to help get me
woke up (for a few minutes at least).

As for my interview - Well I feel it went pretty well, it is 15 hours
per week, Mon-Fri. Temporary it could last a month up to six months.
Since this job is working for the State of Colorado who knows how
long it will take them to fill the job.
I in turn WILL be going to the website to apply for the job.

Mary - Do you WANT to have a date with him?

I HOPE that I can get a job soon because I want to be able to send
out some more RAK's I have MANY envelopes of stuff to send, but
right now no money to for the postage.
~ uhm yeah i surely could go out with him. he looks like he would be a blast. never have dated a serb before but i love the easy way my name rolls off his tongue with just the right amount of accent. but after him seeing me a total mess today i am not sure what he thinks of me.

~ once you get hired by the state you may be able to apply for other open positions unless you are going through a temp agency then the rules are probably different. have you looked into any non profit agencies for employment? the pay scale is usually lower but it will keep you off the street. i interviewed at a not for profit the other day and i knew when she asked me for my salary history that was it. oh well i gave it a shot.

~ i too have plenty of stuff to send out but.... yep postage is a factor. but this too shall pass. we just need to hang in there. and raks will be around so we will get to it.

~ on another note i saw my sil wednesday for the first time in a couple of weeks and she has lost an enormous amount of weight. she said she has lost over 70 pounds and this since may 2012. i was literally ready to start balling right there on the spot. cancer is a thief that can rob one of their vitally little by little. knowing what her and my db and their family are going through helped me to put my woes into prospective.
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