Thread: Living Frugally
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Old 08-01-2012, 10:35 PM
sew cornie
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I make my own cleaners, laundry soap, and cosmetics (shampoo/conditioner, facial cleanser, masks, scrubs, etc.). Not only is it far less expensive, I know EXACTLY what the ingredients are and can pronounce them all. LOL. I've also found that my skin is in much better condition with my homemade cosmetics and my children and I are having far fewer asthma problems than when I used store-bought cleaners. We are thriving by de-chemicalizing our products but that's a topic for another thread, I suppose.

With the multiple severe food allergies that we contend with, many grocery items must be brand specific for us. I don't use many coupons because most of the allergy-safe foods don't have them (or only rarely so) and the rest of the food I buy is non-packaged - fresh produce, meat, grains, etc. By making nearly all of our food from scratch, it's not only been a necessity to meet our food restrictions, but it's been less expensive and healthier for us. I use Costco for paper products, milk, and cereals.

There are a couple of restaurants in our area that offer a "children eat free" night once per week. We only eat out once or twice per month but do so on one of the freebie nights.

Library, library, library - for books, music, DVDs, quilt magazines, etc.

Our family enjoys the simple entertainment activities: bike rides, board games, reading together, jigsaw puzzles, etc.
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