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Old 08-03-2012, 05:49 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Originally Posted by Steady Stiching
In the state of Michigan the coverings that are on the body when it is removed from the home is by law mandatory that it be burned due to bodily fluid laws. We were not returned the sheets that were my fathers passage coverings. This information was given to me by the funeral home. Mom wanted her sheet back.
It would be heart breaking to have to burn a quilt unless it was made to be burned. Good information to know.

This is one of the reasons that I have emphasized that before making a Passage Quilt, that discussions be held with those who will be using it.

In some areas the use of body bags are required when removing bodies, and perhaps this is for the same reasons as you have mentioned above? I do know that Passage Quilts have been used over top to make it a gentler process for the family/friends present. Perhaps the Michigan requirements could be met, with the sheets burned, as they are next to the deceased, and then a Passage Quilt overtop? Just a thought ... and certainly laws must be obeyed!
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