Thread: P.i.g.s
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Old 08-13-2012, 05:09 AM
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Originally Posted by maviskw View Post
Thanks, QuiltE I printed out the list of acronyms, but I still don't like them. They are very frustrating to new members, as I was not that long ago. I wish they were used less, except for the very familiar ones. Then you could use the whole term in CAPS first and just use the acronyms later in the post.

Yes, the alphabet soup of acronyms can be frustrating.
The use of acronyms have been rampant in the world for a long time now, so I don't think their use will diminish here on the QB or elsewhere.
So it's best to just keep that list handy.
I too was frustrated at first, and would often subbed the wrong words with an acronym.
Gradually I got more familiar with them ... though every once in awhile, I need to ponder!

Ladies ... I am always looking for more acronyms and quilting definitions to add to the list.
Please post and share.

I will be posting an updated list in the next couple of months including all the additions that I've received since the first posting.
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