Old 08-17-2012, 04:40 AM
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I had tried all brands and other homemade solutions. It takes more work but there is a post somewhere on this board on how to do your own on your homemade sheets. If I can find her name I will post it. It does take more work but it should work on any color if you wanted to print on something to match your quilt colors. Those premade sheets can be very expensive.

OK I found her name but I don't know how to find her posts. "gammieju"I used Beacon Fast Finish Decoupage 3 TBSP to 1 cup of water and it was thin but it washed well and the picture is beautiful! If anyone finds another fabric glue that works I would love to know.

Originally Posted by Treasureit View Post
Let me start by saying I am not affiliated with any company that produces photo fabric sheets.

I am making a memory quilt and started printing some pictures on one brand of photo sheets...then I ran out of that brand and used some Printed Treasures brand that I also had on hand.

I was shocked at the difference in quality. One is whiter, sharper, more intense color! So I had to call and order more of the first brand. The one that had the better quality does cost more, but to me it is worth it! It is called Betty's Photos on Fabric...she had some problems with her website and I couldn't find it...so I called her and she shipped them right out to me. Her phone number is 909-987-3341. I am using the cotton sheets...I think she sells others. I originally found her at a quilt show.

Here are a couple pictures to show the difference.

Last edited by lwbuchholz; 08-17-2012 at 04:47 AM. Reason: add on
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