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Old 08-26-2012, 01:41 PM
reneaunoel's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Alabama
Posts: 69

Here's my own personal "murphy's law" - Whatever I'm looking for, it is safely tucked away in a cardboard box. Safe. From myself, apparently!

The other one I have discovered, I get a "2 pack" of fabrics, love one, HATE the other. Never did find a use for the "love it" fabric, now wish I had additional pieces of the "hate it" fabric! Color wise, by itself, it was nasty, but combined with my favorite very bright pinks and orange tie-dies, it's so perfect it just makes you smile! And I just can't bring myself to give babies the "pale" colors, I think they all need bright and cheerful. So I make myself happy, making something cheerful and bright for them!

Out of every other post, what is it with the bobbin thing! I have 3 machines, they each use a different "size" bobbin. I NEVER thought about comparing bobbin size and style when shopping! And why do they all run out of thread just at the beginning or end of that LONG row? I seldom let the cats near my sewing area, their hair gets into everything and they are just dumb enough to EAT the thread off the ROLLING bobbin.
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