Old 09-03-2012, 09:24 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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Originally Posted by Honchey
Ok Guys, Block 88 & 90 the last set is scheduled to be posted Nov. 13th, and like the last Journey we had a few weeks of catch-up for those of us that have alot on our plate...The Holidays..Thanksgiving & Christmas right after that...Sooooo, I am suggesting a start up date of January, 2013...This gives all of us participating time to choose the block, fabric, etc. I know some of you are up to date and want to start this project sooner so it coincides with the finish of this project... finishing the current project is at the top of the list...We will have a weekly update after the last posting for catch-up and then start the extended " FWS PC Bonus Blocks" January 1st, 2013. If Carriem still wants to volunteer for the receiving & swapping of the blocks that's great... This is not a final say....it's what I think is best for everyone.... I really don't want to rain on anyone's parade...Please let me know what you think...H.
Oh I really like this idea. This way everybody will have a chance ta plan & think about this. (I was thinkin' about QE not bein' available for several weeks when I woke up th'smornin'.) Maybe we can even talk Wendi inta joinin' us here.
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