Old 09-04-2012, 05:40 AM
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Location: Maryland
Posts: 203

Irish....glad to hear the dog is doing better. Years ago we had to dogs that wouldn't go near their dog house after being stung by what we refer to as "grudge bees". Poor boys went out and decided to go to their box, where they promtly got stung, several times. They had lumps on their ears, muzzles and back. After that they wouldn't go near the box. Even after DH went out and killed the bees. I don't blame them. I'm allergic so I avoid bees at all cost.

Want to thank everyone for all the "congratulations" and words of encouragement. This was my first diet month so I expected it to be a good one. I'm hoping to keep my numbers going, as I have a ways to go, and my first goal is 50#s by Dec. 31st. Also, DH will quit smoking when I hit 50#s, doesn't matter when, he promised to quit. So keep my on pace people - I want him to quit!!! Plus I want to get healthy!!

I'm going to cut out bread. I think it's one of my biggest weaknesses. I've been trying to do lots of fruits and veggies. Garden season will soon come to an end and I'll miss my parents tomatoes!! DH says when the tree people come to thin our woods out he's going to have some trees removed up near the house so I can get better light and put in my own garden. My parents are right across the road, but they're both in their mid 80's and eventually I'll need to grow my own things. Need to get good at it while I have them to give me direction. I think my father is the tomato king!!!!

Well, I've rambled enough. Back to work. Drink plenty of water!! Eat your fruits and veggies...and get your butt movin'!!
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