Old 09-21-2012, 01:28 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Cadillac, MI
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sewNso, how wonderful that you are doing an exercise program. I'm impressed. No, you do not have to post your weight or weight loss at any time - just PM to Cindy if at the end of the month, especially if it's over 5 pounds or so. Some of us do because we are excited and have to tell someone. The dogs don't care as long as I keep my weight low enough so I can walk them.

Pizza was last week's taboo. We get an cyper space gold star if we are successful - I failed on the chocolate, but got my star for pizza week. This week is artificial sweeteners. I can claim that one now, too. What will Pam come up next week?? She welcome suggestions.

Pat, nice job. New clothes, new size and on sale.

I have been able to walk the dogs - the big one helps with my balance if I need her, but I haven't been to Curves or anything else. My idiocy with the chemicals set off my neurathapy so it's been a rough week, but it seems to be getting better. Weight went way up with the antibiotics, but I have been able to lose 2 of those pounds. It sounds on paper like I'm falling apart, but I'm not. I do hate having to go to the back of the closet for bigger jeans, but I'm glad I kept a few pair.

Almost all the blocks for the bazaar quilt on the wall and it's speaking to me. It wants a appliqued border and it's not going to happen. Too much work for a donation quilt when I have so many others I 'need' to make. I am behind on birthday Spicy Spirals.

I was going to mow the lawn today, but it keeps raining. From the sounds of the weather report, I will be mowing on Monday.

I have been drinking 16 ounces of water with the juice of a half a lemon when I first get up. It seems to help with the cravings - I don't know why.

Drink water, move your body, eat less and do something to lower your stress. Sounds easy, of course it isn't, but we can do it. WE ARE doing it. I haven't given my think in the present spiel lately. Please say I AM losing weight, not I will lose weight. We want it to happen now!

I AM losing weight and getting healthier - that is true. I have given up my heart meds and my blood pressure meds and I am fine.

Have a good day, y'all.
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