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Old 09-25-2012, 12:26 PM
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Default American Idol contestant Josh McCartney

My grandson's friend Josh McCartney tried out for American Idol a while back. He got through the first round and got up to when they chose who would go on the show. but he didn't get chosen for the show.

My daughter said they told him he was too good. He didn't have any weaknesses they could use to teach him anything more. They wanted someone they can mold and change.

They told him he should start his career now. They gave him a lot of info on where to go to get started.
He was very disappointed. He wants to be on a tv show first. So he has applied to The Voice and has been accepted. It will be interesting to see what happens there.

Here is a video of Josh and it sent chills down my spine. He is handicapped with ausberger's I believe and his song is very touching especially when you know that.
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