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Old 10-03-2012, 02:11 PM
Chasing Hawk
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Originally Posted by bakermom
i used it all the time when my kids were home. as long as they didn't see onions(or mushrooms-never did find a way to hide those) they were fine.
A few of the grand-kids would faint at the sight of a veggie within 5 feet of
So I started using a chopper to finely chop veggies for sauces. To this day they had no clue their favorite chili had peppers and onions in it. Or my sauce for lasagna had zucchini and yellow squash in it.

When we were growing up we ate what was on the table.....veggies and all... Lucky for us Dad didn't like eggplant.
He did have a rule we were to at least give new foods an honest try. If we didn't like it we didn't have to eat it.
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